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January - Garnets

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COLORS: It occurs in every color except blue.
SOURCES: North Carolina, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Tanzania, South Africa, Brazil, India, Rhodesia, Arizona, Russia, Italy, Burma and Madagascar.
MARKET: Abundant except for fine yellow, orange and brown. Green rare over 1 carat. Carried as an amulet to avoid accidents while travelling.
HISTORY: Used as bullets by Asiatics and Southern Indians. Persians used it as a royal gem. Red Garnet used to relieve fever,yellow to cure jaundice.

February - Amethyst

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DESCRIPTION: A quartz which occurs in light to dark purple.
SOURCES: Brazil, Uruguay, Russia, Sri Lanka (Ceylon), Mexico, Japan and Rhodesia.
MARKET: Readily Available.
HISTORY AND LEGEND: Used by Ancient Greeks as charm against intoxication. Bacchus, God of Wine, angered at a slight, swore to turn next human into a tiger. Amethyst, a beautiful maiden on way to worship at shine of Diana. Diana, the huntress, turned maiden Amethyst colorless to protect her. Bacchus relented and poured his wine over her-hence purple color.

March - Aquamarine

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COLOR: Blue to bluish-green or Greenish-blue.
SOURCES: Brazil, Madagascar, Sri Lanka and India. Market strong with 700 to 800% increase in last five years.
HISTORY: From Latin word meaning sea water. In 1910 a 243 pound crystal was found in Brazil. The American Museum has a 13 pound piece of this gem.
USES: Because of large flawless crystals often used in pendants and large rings.

April - Diamond

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DESCRIPTION: The hardest most romantic and brilliant of gems. Toughness excellent. Hardness 10. First found in India now Africa is greatest source. Russia is also a present source.
COLOR: Clear to shades of blue, pink, green and yellow.
HISTORY: Western civilization considers the diamond the symbol of marital happiness and good luck. Endows the wearer with superior strength, fortitude and courage.
FAMOUS STONES: The Kohidor(Mountain of Light), The Hope Diamond-blue in hue.

May - Emerald

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Green variety of beryl. Top color is intense medium tone of slightly yellowish or bluish green.
SOURCES: Brazil, Colombia, Rhodesia, South Africa, Russia and India.
MARKET: Mines almost completely closed. Hoarding of stones.
HISTORY AND LEGEND: Nero is said to have used large Emerald as a sunglass while watching chariot races. Emerald said to help foretell future. It also strengthens owners memory and quickens intelligence. Also said to make wearer more frugal and apt to become wealthy. Women considered it as protection against ills especially problems of childbirth.

June – Pearls

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DESCRIPTION: Calcareous concrete made from layers of nacre.
COLORS: Pink, pink rose, white, white rose, cream, cream rose, yellow, gray, blue, violet and green.
SOURCES: Persian Gulf, Straits of Manaar, Australia, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Burma and South Seas.
MARKET: Demand constants-supply low due to polluted water.
HISTORY: Once a royal gem, whose use was restricted by decree. Widely used by American Indians as jewelry. Believed to have been formed by drop of dew that fell into the sea. In dark whether a dark pearl was formed, in good whether a lovely light pearl was formed.


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DESCRIPTION: A rare variety of medium to dark red. So scarce that 2 carat stones are rare.
SOURCE: Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Africa and India. Toughness excellent.
HISTORY: Ancient Burmese believed the "Blazing Red" stones came from bottomless blood ailments. Supposed to eliminate evil thought lover’s disputes and to rekindle desire.

August – Peridot

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DESCRIPTION: Silicate of Iron and Magnesium occurring in yellowish green, brownish green.
SOURCES: Island of Zeberet(Egypt), Burma, U.S.A and Mexico.
MARKET: Steady but slow.
PROPERTIES: Hardness 6-1/2, toughness fair to good.
HISTORY: Ancients called gems of sun. It was used to dispel enchantment and evil spirits. Worn as talisman set in gold since 1500 B.C. Zeberet freed of snakes to facilitate prospecting. Prospecting done at night because were almost invisible in daylight.


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DESCRIPTION: An aluminum oxide occurring in light to dark blues, violet, reddish orange, clear, pink and orange.
SOURCES: Kashmir, Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka(Ceylon), U.S.A, Africa and Australia.
MARKET: Abundant, Over 3 carats used.
HISTORY: Persians believed the earth rested on great sapphires. Symbolizes truth, sincerity and constancy. Worn as a protection against capture or poison. Rays from stone said to kill snakes. Before value appreciated was used in Kashmir as fire making flint.


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DESCRIPTION: An amorphous silica which displays flashes of color.
COLOR: Black and white with various degrees of transparency and varying color flashes.
SOURCES:  Australia, China, Brazil, U.S(California, Nevada), and Mexico.
MARKET: China big buyer with fine black background and strong color flashes most valuable.
HARDNESS: 5-1/2 – 6-1/2, Toughness-Poor to fair.
HISTORY: Roman considered it a symbol of hope and purity. Arabs believed opals came from heaven in flashes of lightning. Thought to preserve wearer from disease.


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DESCRIPTION: A fluosilicate of aluminium occurring in transparent yellow, brown, orange brown, shades of red, blues and violet hues.
MARKET: Strong with best value for pink and sherry hues.
SYNTHETICS: None, toughness-poor.
HISTORY: Originated with Mexico Polo’s voyages of 13th century. Worn as necklace to dispel enchantment. Powered to cure asthma, insomnia, burns and hemorrhage. Powers subject to moon changes.


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DESCRIPTION: Turquoise is a greenish-bluish stone sometimes found near copper. It is cabochon cut often with the matrix showing.
HARDNESS: It is fairly durable but sometimes soft and porous enough to be affected by dirt and grease. It is often treated to prevent this and the better quality gems do not require this treatment.
SOURCE: Today turquoise comes mainly from the Southwestern parts of the United States.
LORE: Previously mined in Persia, Turquoise was believed to bring success in money and love plus general good fortune.
MARKET: Used mainly in India jewelry it is also used as added decoration to accompany other gems.

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